Public art is in a category of its own, teasing, prodding, and often delighting us when we least expect it.
Owen Sound has more than 20 murals, sculptures and installations waiting to be discovered. Close to half are off-site projects by the Tom Thomson Art Gallery; many others are independent or collaborative works by local artists such as Billy Goodkat, featured in this winning video, City of Art, from a Youth Film Festival in Owen Sound.
Add more than 40 new banners created each year by the Owen Sound Art Banner Project and you have a kaleidoscope of public art in the Scenic City. Here's a sampling of public art projects:
Carney's Lane off 2nd Avenue East
Artist: Emily Rose
Watch the Koodo YouTube video about Owen Sound and the creation of this beautiful mural.
Harrison Park
1155 2nd Avenue East
Artists: Bonita de Matteis Johnson and Jim Hong Louie
Owen Sound Legion, Branch 6
1450 2nd Avenue West
Artists: Tess Dunn, Laura Stirling, Gillian Wagenaar and Melissa Yeo
Legacy Mural Project
Owen Sound Artists' Co-op
Artists: Billy Goodkat with Keystone students and assistance from Morag Budgeon and Jen Klemm
Artists' Alley between Casero Kitchen Table and The Milk Maid
Artists: Students led by the Artists' Co-op
Alleyway off 2nd Avenue East between The Milk Maid and The Bleeding Carrot
Artist: Various local artists
921 2nd Avenue East
Artist: Billy Goodkat
101 10th Street East
Artist: Billy Goodkat
Project with Owen Sound Police Service
280 10th Street East (north side of building)
Artist: "Wong" with local Grade 6 pupils
City Hall, Heroes Square
Facing 8th Street East at 2nd Avenue East
Photographer: J. James
Owen Sound Mill Dam Storage Shed, 150 5th Street 'A' East
Project with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), Sydenham Sportsmen's Association, St. Mary's High School Grade 10 Art Class, Billy Goodkat, and the City of Owen Sound
Artists: Billy Goodkat and students from St. Mary's High School