Seniors Carpet Bowling

Thursday, October 5, 2023 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Cost: $2 per day

Played om roll out mats 6 ' x 30' long. The special carpet bowls are weighted on 1 side and curl as they move along the carpet. Played in teams of 4 [sometimes 3 per team] each game is 8 ends long similar to curling but much safer without the dangers of slipping / falling and rigors of sweeping. Do not confuse it with 5 pin or 10 pin bowling; they are totaly different. Its great exercise with lots of laughs and social interaction and a great way to meet and make new friends. We play at the Legion Auditorium most Thurs from 1-4pm; sometimes in the North Atlantic room; and sometimes we get cancelled when those large rooms are rented out for large functions. Its pay as you play and no need to make a commitment for the entire year, come when you can and bring a tooney for the jar. You are also encouraged to bring a friend or two. Just show up at the Legion about 5 or 10 minutes before 1 pm and we will draw cards for player positions and teams, then let the fun begin. The experienced players are eager to show you how to roll the ball and play the game. Like they say "Practise makes perfect"......sometimes. Call Garry at 519 376-5347 or email for more information.

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