Owen Sound Noon Hour Series
Join us for the 29th seasons of the Owen Sound Noon Hour Series. This seasons has a wide variety of styles and performers in an accepting space. If you have been shy to attend indoor concerts in the past because they seem so formal and full of mysterious rules. We've got you. Come and relax, naw on sandwich, move to the music, cheer when you enjoy a passage, whatever feels good. Children are encouraged to attend. Whether you have a penny or a 50 to contribute we'd love to see you there. July performers: 3rd AnnMarie Rowland - Folk singer 10th Norman Reintamm - Organ 17th Sebastian Ostertag - Cello 24th Adrian Little and Kelda Mikalson - Piano and Voice 31st 2 Singers and a Poet -Rob Rolfe, Dave Hawkins, Larry Jensen August Performers: 7th Erin Milley-Patey and Christina Edwards - Voice and Piano 14th Rob Tite -Clarinet 21st May Ip -Folk Singer 28th Luke Welch - Piano